Wednesday, October 8, 2014

33. Cary & Beaumont, Richmond, Virginia

October 7, 2014

To a You,

Today I hold captive this tongue
notoriously quick to split and spit venom
because today in the silence of this battered brain
I heard a most reasonable voice
urging me
with sounds so soft and humble
to be thankful.

Be thankful that you feel this Anger
it said
because this means you are saved.
Turn it inside out in your mind
instead of hurling it against your Lover
or your Mother
or your Children.

Hold this Anger up like a map
that shows you where to find yourself-
where you've been
where you never want to go again
where your boundaries are
and give thanks.

These words were a foreign language
to this dumb child
and the stretch of silence before I spoke
was an unfamiliar region
but I stayed there
until through a cell of broken teeth
I heard my tongue move in thanks.

Your Friend,

32. Mary Angelo's, Carytown, Richmond, Virginia

October 7, 2014
To You,

The wind speaks to the water in my body,
commanding it to move swiftly-
to cells sleeping and raw with violence.
My eyelids shiver in revolt 
at the stuttering slideshow 
delivered by breath both sweet and cold.
With forced resuscitation
this swirling savior screams- "Breathe!"

The wind doesn't comprehend the language of refusal.
It doesn't hear the sound excuses make-
That disappointing thump of No.
It's a rough lover,
forcing me to feel all things.
Because to accept the shape and smell and taste of all things 
Is to know both how small and how mighty I am.

Your Friend,

31. 7-11 on Beaumont & Cary, Richmond, Virginia

October 7, 2014
To You,

I am a fortunate child
fostered from a forgotten heap
by thought-filled architects who
send one hundred whispered wisdoms
into the empty cups of my ears
disrupting dusty abstraction
long settled in the hot air of my head.
One hundred pillow fingered hands
tilt my chin into light
and ease open locked jaws
to taste the fresh fruit and air
that will rouse my stagnant cells.

Your Friend,